In Java, data types are used to specify the type of data that a variable can store. Java has two categories of data types: primitive data types and reference data types. Here's an overview:
Primitive Data Types:
1. Integer Types:
- `byte`: 8-bit signed integer.
- `short`: 16-bit signed integer.
- `int`: 32-bit signed integer (most commonly used for integers).
- `long`: 64-bit signed integer.
- byte b = 127;
- short s = 32767;
- int i = 2147483647;
- long l = 9223372036854775807L; // Note: Long literals end with 'L' or 'l'.
2. Floating-Point Types:
- `float`: 32-bit floating-point.
- `double`: 64-bit floating-point (most commonly used for floating-point numbers).
- float f = 3.14f; // Note: Float literals end with 'F' or 'f'.
- double d = 3.14159265359;
3. Character Type:
- `char`: 16-bit Unicode character.
- char ch = 'A';
4. Boolean Type:
- `boolean`: Represents true or false.
- boolean flag = true;
Reference Data Types:
1. Object Types:
- Java is an object-oriented language, and objects are instances of classes.
- String text = "Hello, Java!";
2. Array Types:
- Arrays are collections of elements of the same type.
- int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
3. User-Defined Types:
- Classes and interfaces created by the user.
class Person {
String name;
int age;
Type Casting:
1. Implicit Casting:
- Smaller data types can be implicitly cast to larger ones.
int intValue = 10;
long longValue = intValue; // Implicit casting from int to long.
2. Explicit Casting:
- Larger data types need explicit casting to smaller ones.
double doubleValue = 3.14;
int intValue = (int) doubleValue; // Explicit casting from double to int.
Understanding and appropriately using data types is crucial for writing efficient and error-free Java programs. It helps in managing memory, ensuring data accuracy, and optimizing program performance.
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