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Understanding Constructors in Java: A Simple Guide with Examples and Analogies

  What is a Constructor in Java? In Java, a constructor is a special type of method that is used to initialize objects. When you create an object of a class, the constructor is called automatically. Its main job is to set the initial values of the object’s properties or perform any setup that the object needs before it can be used. Why Do We Need Constructors? You need constructors because: Initialization : Constructors are responsible for initializing an object when it is created. Automatic Execution : A constructor is automatically called when an object is created, so you don’t have to manually initialize every property. Simplifying Object Creation : It simplifies object creation by providing default values or custom initialization. Where Do Constructors Fit in Java? Constructors fit within a class. They are used whenever a new object of that class is created, and they allow the object to be initialized. Constructors must have the same name as the class, and they don't have a re...

Java NEP Syllabus


Second Year B.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Semester – IV

CSESEC-01: Object Oriented Programming using JAVA

          Teaching Scheme                                                   Examination Scheme

Lectures: 1 Hr/Week, 1 Credit                               ICA: 25 Marks

Practical: 2 Hrs/Week, 1 Credit                             POE: 25 Marks


Introduction :

The course introduces Java language's syntax and object-oriented programming paradigms from the perspective of Java language. Further, the course thoroughly touches upon the vital aspects of the usage of Java runtime library packages' classes and methods.


Course Prerequisite:

Students must be familiar with basic programming languages like C.


Course Outcomes :

At the end of this course students will be able to

1. Implement Object Oriented Programming paradigm using Java language.

2. Exhibit the ability to use Java runtime library APIs to provide a solution to a given problem.

3. Test and debug a Java program for a given problem.



Unit 1 - Basics of Java and Strings in Java (02)

Basics: Java Runtime Environment (Oracle JDK, OpenJDK), Naming Conventions and Javaprofilers.

Basics: Variables, Operators, Expressions, Statements, Blocks, Control flow Statements, Input and Output, Data Types, Arrays, Type Casting.

Fundamentals: String Class and Methods, Immutability of Strings, String Buffer Class and Methods,String Builder class and Methods.

Unit 2 - Introduction to OOPs (04)

Objects and Classes, Fields and Methods, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism,Type Compatibility and Conversion, Overriding Methods, Access control, Modifiers, Constructors,Abstract  classes, Nested classes, Packages, Wrapper classes, Interfaces, Object Life time &Garbage Collection.

Unit 3 - Exceptions, Error Handling and Basic IO (06)

Exceptions and Error Handling: Exceptions and Errors, Catching and Handling Exceptions, The try Block, The catch Blocks, The finally Block, Throwing Exceptions, Chained Exceptions,Custom Exceptions. JUnit Testing Framework.

Basic I/O: I/O Streams, Byte Streams, Character Streams, Buffered Streams, Scanning and Formatting, Data Streams, Object Streams, File I/O Classes: Reading, Writing, and Creating Files and Directories

Unit 4 - Java Collections Framework (06)

Introduction, The Arrays Class, Searching and sorting arrays of primitive data types, Sorting Arraysof Objects, The Comparable and Comparator Interfaces, Sorting using Comparable & Comparator,

Collections: Lists, Sets, Maps, Trees, Iterators and Collections, The Collection Class.

Unit 5 - Multithreading and Networking (06)

Multithreading: Creating Threads, Thread scheduling and priority, Thread interruptions and synchronization.Network Programming: InetAddress, URLs, Socket (TCP & UDP) communication in Java, Servlet Programming

Unit 6 - GUI Programming (03)

GUI Programming using Swing: Swing package, Layouts, Events, Listeners and Event handling, and Swing Components.


ISE Evaluation: ISE Evaluation for the course will consist of three programming (hands on) tests.


Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA): ICA shall consist of minimum 15 practical assignment problems. The assignments should test and develop student’s practical proficiency and ability to use Java API Classes correctly for writing code for varied applications scenarios & use case requirements. Use of IDEs like BlueJ, Eclipse, Netbeans or any other FOSS alternative for Interactive development and debugging of Java applications is highly recommended to enhance hands on skills in Java Programming of Students.


Text Books:

1. Head First Java, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, O’Reilly Publication

2. The JavaTM Programming Language, Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes, Pearson Publication

3. Core Java for Beginners, RashmiKanta Das, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.

4. Programming with Java, Balaguruswamy, TMH

5. Internet and Java Programming, TanweerAlam, Khanna Publishing House


Reference Books:

1. The Java Language Specification, Java SE 8 Edition Book by James Gosling, Oracle Inc.

2. Java: The Complete Reference 8 Edition - Herbert Schildt , Tata McGraw - Hill Education

3. Head First Servlets and JSP – Bryan Bosham, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, O’Reilly Publication

4. The JavaTM Tutorials. Oracle Inc.

5. Java Server Programming for Professionals - Ivan Bayross, Sharanam Shah, Cynthia Bayross and Vaishali Shah, Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd, 2nd Edition


e-resources :




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