Interface in Java:
In Java, an interface is a reference type that defines a set of abstract methods without providing implementations. It serves as a contract that classes can implement to guarantee that they provide certain functionality. Interfaces can also contain constant fields, default methods, static methods, and nested types.
Here's an overview of interfaces in Java:
1. Declaring Interfaces: Interfaces are declared using the `interface` keyword, followed by the interface name and a set of abstract method declarations. Here's an example:
public interface Animal {
void eat(); // Abstract method declaration
void sleep(); // Abstract method declaration
2. Implementing Interfaces: A class implements an interface by providing concrete implementations for all the abstract methods declared in the interface. Use the `implements` keyword to indicate that a class implements an interface. Here's an example:
public class Dog implements Animal {
// Concrete implementation of the eat() method
public void eat() {
System.out.println("Dog is eating.");
// Concrete implementation of the sleep() method
public void sleep() {
System.out.println("Dog is sleeping.");
3. Interface Inheritance: Interfaces can extend other interfaces, similar to class inheritance. A class that implements an interface must provide implementations for all the abstract methods in the interface and its parent interfaces. Here's an example:
public interface Mammal extends Animal {
void run(); // Additional abstract method declaration
4. Default Methods: Java 8 introduced default methods, which allow interfaces to provide default implementations for methods. Default methods are declared using the `default` keyword. Here's an example:
public interface Animal {
default void breathe() {
System.out.println("Animal is breathing.");
5. Static Methods: Java 8 also introduced static methods in interfaces, which are declared using the `static` keyword. Static methods can be called directly on the interface without the need for an implementing class. Here's an example:
public interface Animal {
static void info() {
System.out.println("This is an animal interface.");
6. Constant Fields: Interfaces can contain constant fields, which are implicitly `public`, `static`, and `final`. Here's an example:
public interface Animal {
String TYPE = "Mammal"; // Constant field declaration
Interfaces play a crucial role in Java programming by providing a way to achieve abstraction, multiple inheritance, and polymorphism. They are widely used in Java APIs and frameworks to define contracts and provide common behavior across different classes.
An interface in Java defines a blueprint for classes to follow. It contains only method signatures, constants, default methods, and static methods. An interface cannot have instance variables, constructors, or instance initializers.
// Interface definition
interface Animal {
void eat(); // Method signature
void sleep(); // Method signature
// Class implementing the Animal interface
class Dog implements Animal {
public void eat() {
System.out.println("Dog eats bones");
public void sleep() {
System.out.println("Dog sleeps in a kennel");
// Class implementing the Animal interface
class Cat implements Animal {
public void eat() {
System.out.println("Cat eats fish");
public void sleep() {
System.out.println("Cat sleeps on a cozy bed");
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Animal dog = new Dog();; // Output: Dog eats bones
dog.sleep(); // Output: Dog sleeps in a kennel
Animal cat = new Cat();; // Output: Cat eats fish
cat.sleep(); // Output: Cat sleeps on a cozy bed
Think of an interface as a contract or agreement. Just like how a car manufacturer provides specifications to car dealerships, an interface provides specifications (method signatures) to classes that implement it. The car dealerships (implementing classes) must follow the specifications provided by the manufacturer (interface).
Comparison with Abstract Class:
1. Interfaces:
- Can contain only method signatures, constants, default methods, and static methods.
- Cannot have constructors or instance variables.
- Support multiple inheritance (a class can implement multiple interfaces).
- Used for achieving abstraction and defining contracts.
2. Abstract Classes:
- Can contain method signatures, instance variables, constructors, and abstract methods.
- Cannot support multiple inheritance (a class can extend only one abstract class).
- Used for providing a partial implementation and defining a common base for subclasses.
- Interfaces provide a way to achieve abstraction and define contracts in Java.
- They are implemented by classes to provide concrete implementations for the methods defined in the interface.
- Interfaces support multiple inheritance and are commonly used in Java APIs to define common behavior across different classes.
Creating and implementing an interface in Java involves the following steps:
1. Define the Interface: First, define the interface by specifying the methods that classes implementing the interface must implement. Interfaces in Java are declared using the `interface` keyword.
2. Implement the Interface: Implement the interface in one or more classes by providing concrete implementations for all the methods declared in the interface.
Here's a step-by-step example:
Step 1: Define the Interface
// Define the interface
interface Vehicle {
void start(); // Method to start the vehicle
void stop(); // Method to stop the vehicle
Step 2: Implement the Interface
// Implement the interface in a class
class Car implements Vehicle {
// Provide implementation for the start() method
public void start() {
System.out.println("Car started.");
// Provide implementation for the stop() method
public void stop() {
System.out.println("Car stopped.");
Step 3: Use the Interface
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an object of the Car class
Car myCar = new Car();
// Call the start() method of the Car class
// Call the stop() method of the Car class
In this example:
- We defined the `Vehicle` interface with two methods: `start()` and `stop()`.
- We implemented the `Vehicle` interface in the `Car` class by providing concrete implementations for the `start()` and `stop()` methods.
- We then created an object of the `Car` class and called its `start()` and `stop()` methods.
Interfaces in Java provide a way to achieve abstraction and define a contract for classes that implement them. They are widely used for achieving polymorphism and providing a common interface for multiple classes.
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