Java Operators: An Overview with Examples
Operators in Java are symbols used to perform operations on variables and values. They play a crucial role in manipulating data and controlling the flow of a program. Java supports a variety of operators, each serving a specific purpose.
1. Arithmetic Operators:
Perform basic arithmetic operations.
- int a = 10, b = 5;
- int sum = a + b; // Addition
- int diff = a - b; // Subtraction
- int product = a * b; // Multiplication
- int quotient = a / b; // Division
- int remainder = a % b; // Modulus
2. Relational Operators:
Compare values and return a boolean result.
int x = 7, y = 10;
- boolean isEqual = (x == y); // Equal to
- boolean isNotEqual = (x != y); // Not equal to
- boolean isGreater = (x > y); // Greater than
- boolean isLess = (x < y); // Less than
3. Logical Operators:
Combine multiple conditions and return a boolean result.
boolean condition1 = true, condition2 = false;
- boolean andResult = (condition1 && condition2); // Logical AND
- boolean orResult = (condition1 || condition2); // Logical OR
- boolean notResult = !condition1; // Logical NOT
4. Assignment Operators:
Assign values to variables and perform operations simultaneously.
int num = 15;
- num += 5; // Equivalent to num = num + 5;
- num -= 3; // Equivalent to num = num - 3;
- num *= 2; // Equivalent to num = num * 2;
5. Increment and Decrement Operators:
Increase or decrease the value of a variable by 1.
int counter = 5;
- counter++; // Increment by 1
- counter--; // Decrement by 1
6. Bitwise Operators:
Perform operations on individual bits of binary numbers.
int binary1 = 5, binary2 = 3;
- int bitwiseAnd = binary1 & binary2; // Bitwise AND
- int bitwiseOr = binary1 | binary2; // Bitwise OR
- int bitwiseXor = binary1 ^ binary2; // Bitwise XOR
7. Conditional Operator (Ternary Operator):
Provide a concise way for conditional expressions.
int age = 20;
- String result = (age >= 18) ? "Adult" : "Minor";
8. instanceof Operator:
Check whether an object is an instance of a particular class or interface.
Object obj = "Hello";
boolean isString = obj instanceof String;
Understanding and mastering Java operators is crucial for writing effective and efficient code. Whether performing basic arithmetic, making decisions based on conditions, or manipulating individual bits, operators empower developers to create dynamic and functional Java programs.
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