The instanceof operator in Java is used to test whether an object is an instance of a particular class, interface, or a subclass/interface of a given type. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the object on the left-hand side is an instance of the specified type.
object instanceof type
object: The object to be tested.
type: The class or interface to check against.
class Animal {}
class Dog extends Animal {}
class Cat extends Animal {}
public class InstanceOfExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Animal myDog = new Dog();
Animal myCat = new Cat();
// Using instanceof to check object types
System.out.println("Is myDog a Dog? " + (myDog instanceof Dog)); // true
System.out.println("Is myDog a Cat? " + (myDog instanceof Cat)); // false
System.out.println("Is myCat a Dog? " + (myCat instanceof Dog)); // false
System.out.println("Is myCat a Cat? " + (myCat instanceof Cat)); // true
// Checking against the superclass
System.out.println("Is myDog an Animal? " + (myDog instanceof Animal)); // true
System.out.println("Is myCat an Animal? " + (myCat instanceof Animal)); // true
// Testing against an interface
Animal myDogAgain = new Dog();
System.out.println("Is myDogAgain an instance of the Animal interface? " + (myDogAgain instanceof Animal)); // true
In this example, we have a hierarchy with classes Animal, Dog, and Cat. We create instances of Dog and Cat and then use the instanceof operator to check their types. Additionally, we check against the superclass (Animal) and an interface (Animal).
The result is true if the object is an instance of the specified type or a subtype.
The result is false if the object is not an instance of the specified type.
Use Cases:
Type Checking: It's often used for checking the type before performing a cast to avoid ClassCastException.
Polymorphism: To determine the actual type of an object in polymorphic scenarios.
if (myObject instanceof MyClass) {
// Safely cast to MyClass
MyClass myClassObj = (MyClass) myObject;
// Perform operations specific to MyClass
The instanceof operator is a powerful tool for type checking in Java. It's particularly useful in scenarios involving polymorphism, dynamic object creation, and avoiding runtime errors associated with incorrect casting.
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